Wisconsin Essure Lawsuits - Lawyers Handling Essure Injury Lawsuits in Wisconsin Offer No-Cost, No-Obligation Essure Case Review
Information for Wisconsin Residents about Essure Problems from National Essure Lawyers

Essure, a medical device that offers female sterilization, has been found to cause significant problems for women in Wisconsin and around the nation. Essure risks include persistent pain, perforation of the uterus or fallopian tubes, intra-abdominal or irregular bleeding, allergic and hypersensitivity reactions. Some women have become pregnant after Essure was implanted, and some patients have undergone surgical procedures to have the device removed.
A form of permanent birth control marketed by Bayer HealthCare, Essure is currently the subject of FDA scrutiny due to adverse event reports and questions regarding the product’s safety and effectiveness. An estimated 750,000 women have been implanted with Essure in the United States. Thousands of women reporting Essure problems and complications have signed on to a Citizen’s Petition, calling for the FDA to retract approval of the contraceptive device.
During 2015, the FDA convened a panel to assess the risks and benefits of Essure. Countless stakeholders testified, including clinicians, representatives of Bayer, Essure patients and their families, representatives of professional medical societies, and non-profit organizations. A public docket attracted 2,800 comments on Essure risks and problems. At this time, the American public is awaiting an announcement from the FDA, reporting its conclusions and recommendations related to Essure risks.
As the only medical device offering permanent birth control which has been approved by the FDA in the United States, Essure dominates the market. 345,000 American women seek permanent sterilization each year. Critics accuse Bayer of taking shortcuts in the pre- and post-market safety testing that could have prevented women from suffering serious Essure health problems. Bayer’s total sales reportedly topped out over $47 billion in 2014.
If you or a loved one has suffered from Essure problems or complications in Wisconsin, you may be eligible to receive compensation through filing an Essure lawsuit in Wisconsin. Attorneys handling Wisconsin Essure problems lawsuit claims provide free, no-obligation case reviews to women and families who match this description. Our Wisconsin Essure attorneys not only have a significant track record of success in the realm of national pharmaceutical safety litigation but also endeavor to provide legal representation that is sensitive to the needs of women and families. Should you choose to retain our Wisconsin Essure lawyers, there is never any fee unless we win compensation on your behalf.

Essure Problems Information for Wisconsin Women

FDA Essure Warning Information for Residents of Wisconsin

Wisconsin Essure Lawsuits

Wisconsin Essure Lawsuit FAQs