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Essure Lawsuit News

Immense Discrepancy Found In The Number of Essure Complaints Versus Those Reported by the FDA

Bayer and the FDA have made it as difficult as possible for consumers to ascertain the actual number of Essure complaints

Friday, June 21, 2019 - The US Food and Drug Administration officially received 6000 Essure adverse event reports in the latest report issued by the FDA. This is in addition to around 12,000 reports the year before. Each Essure patient reporting required revision surgery to remove the device. To date, most Essure complaints center around the device breaking or moving intact and perforating the uterus causing intense pain and bleeding. Essure device lawyers represent persons and families harmed by Essure birth control device due to device malfunction and offer a free consultation before filing a lawsuit claim.

The FDA MAUDE database has been proven to dramatically underreport medical device complaint in the past. It has been discovered that the algorithm in use by the FDA that returns search results is woefully inadequate and fails to include a number of related search terms. For example, a few years ago, former FDA IT manager-turned-government-whistleblower Madres Thomes quit the agency to start her own medical complaint research firm when she discovered over 300 incidences of fetal death that could be attributed to those who were using the Essure birth control device. A standardized FDA MAUDE database search at the time revealed only 5. According to, "Madris Tomes, founder, and chief executive officer of Device Events, said her analysis of thousands of adverse events from the agency's website shows 303 fetal deaths were linked to Essure." The FDA failed to return such related search terms as abortion, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, and miscarriage in their results. Other deaths may have occurred from infections and organ perforations.

If the FDA underestimates such important defects as Essure causing death, how many more reports of Essure malfunctions go undetected by MAUDE database searchers? If the current ratio applies, the 6000 reported revision surgeries could be increased significantly. According to Reuters, when U.S. Representative Mike Fitzpatrick was made aware of the fetal death misrepresentation, the congressman "sent the FDA a copy of Tomes' report and urged the agency to review the "immense discrepancy" in numbers. As improbable as it may seem that hundreds of thousands, not six thousand, women have had to have the Essure birth control removed because of the pain it has caused, consider the fact that virtually every woman that goes to the Essure doctor that implanted the device tells the women that Essure could no possibly be causing the symptoms they describe and that the symptoms are "all in their heads." It has also been shown that Essure doctors are receiving legal but highly unethical financial compensation, accounted for as speaking and training fees, but actually based loosely each year on the number of Essure devices they sell.

As a result of all of the above, government legislation is pending that will force Essure doctors to report each and every Essure complaint patients make directly to the FDA. It is also the responsibility of the FDA to make its MAUDE database more accurate and accessible. For more information on the actual numbers of adverse events related to the faulty Essure birth control device you may reach Madris Tomes, founder and chief executive officer of Device Events at her web site:

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Essure Lawsuits: No Fees Unless We Collect for You

We will represent all persons involved in an Essure lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning our attorneys charge never charge any legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. For a free no-obligation consultation please fill out our short online contact form and one of our Essure lawyers will contact you to answer any of your questions.

No-Cost, No-Obligation Essure Lawsuit Case Review If You or a Loved One Suffered from Essure Problems

OnderLaw, LLC is a St. Louis personal injury law firm handling serious injury and death claims across the country. Its mission is the pursuit of justice, no matter how complex the case or strenuous the effort. OnderLaw has represented clients throughout the United States in pharmaceutical and medical device litigation such as Pradaxa, Lexapro and Yasmin/Yaz, where the firm's attorneys held significant leadership roles in the litigation, as well as Actos, DePuy, Risperdal and others, and other law firms throughout the nation often seek its experience and expertise on complex litigation.